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210 messages.
Two letters were sent today.
Two letters were sent today…. Replier
M. Le Premier Ministre, je vous demande de remettre le train passager en Gaspésie. Merci
M. Le Premier Ministre, je vous demande de remettre le train passager en Gaspésie. Merci… Replier
… Replier
Downloaded and mailed the letter !
Downloaded and mailed the letter !… Replier
What I put to the prime minister on change.org Supporter comment bring VIA Rail passenger train service back to the Gaspe coast. The gaspe people needs our train for family, friends from far away to visit family…….for the elderly and sick who need medical attention or check ups in Montreal and abroad………for visitors to see our natural wonder Perce Rock, where the tourist industry would loose a lot of money, and businesses too need it as well as school officials to travel for conventions and for the gaspe people to keep intouch by travel to the Canadian General public……since the gaspe people have no transportation at all, no train, no buses, no metros, etc…..I think it's about time the governments involved start taking care of their gaspe people, the tax payers, the elderly who voted them for office………this is unexceptable keeping the gaspe coast people isolated from the rest Canada……..OH… Lire la suite
What I put to the prime minister on change.org
Supporter comment
bring VIA Rail passenger train service back to the Gaspe coast.
The gaspe people needs our train for family, friends from far away to visit family…….for the elderly and sick who need medical attention or check ups in Montreal and abroad………for visitors to see our natural wonder Perce Rock, where the tourist industry would loose a lot of money, and businesses too need it as well as school officials to travel for conventions and for the gaspe people to keep intouch by travel to the Canadian General public……since the gaspe people have no transportation at all, no train, no buses, no metros, etc…..I think it's about time the governments involved start taking care of their gaspe people, the tax payers, the elderly who voted them for office………this is unexceptable keeping the gaspe coast people isolated from the rest Canada……..OH YES and VIA RAILS advertising 55% off ANYWHERE in Canada is false advertising, since Gaspe has no train and the Gaspe is part of Canada
It would be even nicer to have the train to go from matapedia to new Carlisle……..it would help a great deal for the people, and once all the tracks etc…… are ready, to have the train go from matapedia to gaspe since gaspe does have a new station that hasn't been used yet
I like to know the reason WHY from the Government……….years ago from matapedia to new Carlisle had the same businesses as it is today so why the change, sure we need the tracks repaired, that's all part of infrastructure, you can't have a tourist attraction without a way of transportation to get there…….no bus to get you there, and some people who live there have no ways of transport to get there……I think the government would have the funding if they had the right people in there instead of taking it from the tax payers……not to mention each munipality should be standing up to fight this for their people
Also I would like to add that a lot of my family members served for this great country and their families cannot have a train to reach their home town, the government should be ashamed
Maybe it's time to get. Radio stations to get involved, CBC TV , Montreal gazette etc……… to talk about starting with the loss of the train, to the petition, to Philip toones taking it to parliament, to the government buying the track, to what we see here now, and why doesn't the train run to new Carlisle, or to gaspe?……….
I hope that you present for the gaspe people will pass and something gets done soon………some people are unoptimistic since our government has disappointed them in the past, while others are optimistic and hope to get their train back
Gaspe people are proud of their home and surroundings, even people like hurricane hazel ex mayor of Mississauga that's from the gaspe coast Port Daniel to be exact, also your new federal court judge, and NHL player Cedric Paquette both from the town of Gaspe ……it's time to listen to the people
Cynthia Enright
a born English Gaspesian… Replier
Supporter comment
bring VIA Rail passenger train service back to the Gaspe coast.
The gaspe people needs our train for family, friends from far away to visit family…….for the elderly and sick who need medical attention or check ups in Montreal and abroad………for visitors to see our natural wonder Perce Rock, where the tourist industry would loose a lot of money, and businesses too need it as well as school officials to travel for conventions and for the gaspe people to keep intouch by travel to the Canadian General public……since the gaspe people have no transportation at all, no train, no buses, no metros, etc…..I think it's about time the governments involved start taking care of their gaspe people, the tax payers, the elderly who voted them for office………this is unexceptable keeping the gaspe coast people isolated from the rest Canada……..OH YES and VIA RAILS advertising 55% off ANYWHERE in Canada is false advertising, since Gaspe has no train and the Gaspe is part of Canada
It would be even nicer to have the train to go from matapedia to new Carlisle……..it would help a great deal for the people, and once all the tracks etc…… are ready, to have the train go from matapedia to gaspe since gaspe does have a new station that hasn't been used yet
I like to know the reason WHY from the Government……….years ago from matapedia to new Carlisle had the same businesses as it is today so why the change, sure we need the tracks repaired, that's all part of infrastructure, you can't have a tourist attraction without a way of transportation to get there…….no bus to get you there, and some people who live there have no ways of transport to get there……I think the government would have the funding if they had the right people in there instead of taking it from the tax payers……not to mention each munipality should be standing up to fight this for their people
Also I would like to add that a lot of my family members served for this great country and their families cannot have a train to reach their home town, the government should be ashamed
Maybe it's time to get. Radio stations to get involved, CBC TV , Montreal gazette etc……… to talk about starting with the loss of the train, to the petition, to Philip toones taking it to parliament, to the government buying the track, to what we see here now, and why doesn't the train run to new Carlisle, or to gaspe?……….
I hope that you present for the gaspe people will pass and something gets done soon………some people are unoptimistic since our government has disappointed them in the past, while others are optimistic and hope to get their train back
Gaspe people are proud of their home and surroundings, even people like hurricane hazel ex mayor of Mississauga that's from the gaspe coast Port Daniel to be exact, also your new federal court judge, and NHL player Cedric Paquette both from the town of Gaspe ……it's time to listen to the people
Cynthia Enright
a born English Gaspesian… Replier
Réponse d’administrateur par : Bernard Babin
On behalf of the Coalition of Gaspesians for the return of the passenger train, we would like to thanks evreyone for their support. Yours messages give us hope and help us to continue fighting for this important project for Gaspesians evreyone across the country using the train to go on the Gaspe coast. Thank you very very much for your support. Bernard Babin / Gilles Lamy / Anthony Bernard Prince Coalition of Gaspesians for the return of the passenger train
On behalf of the Coalition of Gaspesians for the return of the passenger train, we would like to thanks evreyone for their support.
Yours messages give us hope and help us to continue fighting for this important project for Gaspesians evreyone across the country using the train to go on the Gaspe coast.
Thank you very very much for your support.
Bernard Babin / Gilles Lamy / Anthony Bernard Prince
Coalition of Gaspesians for the return of the passenger train… Replier
Yours messages give us hope and help us to continue fighting for this important project for Gaspesians evreyone across the country using the train to go on the Gaspe coast.
Thank you very very much for your support.
Bernard Babin / Gilles Lamy / Anthony Bernard Prince
Coalition of Gaspesians for the return of the passenger train… Replier
Parce que tous ne peuvent s'offrir l'avion et que le train demeure le moyen le plus confortable pour les personnes de tout âge.
Parce que tous ne peuvent s'offrir l'avion et que le train demeure le moyen le plus confortable pour les personnes de tout âge…. Replier
It use to be "Via Rail" from St. Catharines Ontario to Montreal then Gaspe train to my son's Place in Shigawake In the Gaspe. Now with no VIA TRAIN in the niagara peninsula and no Gaspe train. We can't visit my son and grand daughters anymore. It is 1,800 miles to drive it. My wife and I are now to old to drive that far anymore. Please do something about these problems Thank You.
It use to be "Via Rail" from St. Catharines Ontario to Montreal then Gaspe train to my son's Place in Shigawake In the Gaspe. Now with no VIA TRAIN in the niagara peninsula and no Gaspe train. We can't visit my son and grand daughters anymore. It is 1,800 miles to drive it. My wife and I are now to old to drive that far anymore. Please do something about these problems Thank You…. Replier
… Replier
Le train est un service essentiel. Merci de porter le flambeau.
Le train est un service essentiel. Merci de porter le flambeau…. Replier
Daniel Dugas envoye un message au premier ministre il veut avoir le train en Gaspésie
Daniel Dugas envoye un message au premier ministre il veut avoir
le train en Gaspésie… Replier
le train en Gaspésie… Replier
jai écrit une lettre pour Éric Cormier il aussi il veut revoir le train en Gaspésie
jai écrit une lettre pour Éric Cormier il aussi il veut revoir le train
en Gaspésie… Replier
en Gaspésie… Replier
… Replier
The train is great way to travel in summer but very close to essential in winter.
The train is great way to travel in summer but very close to essential in winter…. Replier
Au point où nous en sommes avec les changements climatiques, nous ne pouvons nous permettre de perdre le peu d'acquis qu'il nous reste en services et infrastructures vertes. Si nous voulons réellement réduire les GES de 80% d'ici 2050, il faudra offrir le transport en commun à tous les Canadiens, pas seulement les 10 plus grandes villes. C'est une question d'équité fiscale et de mobilité car plus on taxera le carbone, moins les régions rurales seront compétitives et isolées car il n'y aura aucune alternative au transport routier.
Au point où nous en sommes avec les changements climatiques, nous ne pouvons nous permettre de perdre le peu d'acquis qu'il nous reste en services et infrastructures vertes. Si nous voulons réellement réduire les GES de 80% d'ici 2050, il faudra offrir le transport en commun à tous les Canadiens, pas seulement les 10 plus grandes villes. C'est une question d'équité fiscale et de mobilité car plus on taxera le carbone, moins les régions rurales seront compétitives et isolées car il n'y aura aucune alternative au transport routier…. Replier
we really the train on the gaspe coast because there is no way to travel besides your car and my mother who is 81 used to go at least once a year to toronto on the train to visit family and then she took the bus but liked the train better now no bus either,please bring back the train.
we really the train on the gaspe coast because there is no way to travel besides your car and my mother who is 81 used to go at least once a year to toronto on the train to visit family and then she took the bus but liked the train better now no bus either,please bring back the train…. Replier
J'espère de retourner en train en Gaspésie.
J'espère de retourner en train en Gaspésie…. Replier
Liked the train for use of travelling for Medical & various trips. Since we are now senior citizens, it is one of the safest and comfortable forms of travel to and from the Gaspe.
Liked the train for use of travelling for Medical & various trips. Since we are now senior citizens, it is one of the safest and comfortable forms of travel to and from the Gaspe…. Replier
lettre envoyée le 15 janvier 16
lettre envoyée le 15 janvier 16… Replier
M. Le Premier ministre, Ayant connu le passage quotidien du train, ensuite réduit à trois trains par semaine, ensuite aux services réduits et enfin à sa disparition depuis plus de deux ans, je ne peux que me désoler de la privation de ce service essentiel dans notre région. Aussi, je vous demande de faire le nécessaire pour que nous puissions recouvrer ce service qui nous redonnerait nos pleins droits comme citoyens et citoyennes.
M. Le Premier ministre,
Ayant connu le passage quotidien du train, ensuite réduit à trois trains par semaine, ensuite aux services réduits et enfin à sa disparition depuis plus de deux ans, je ne peux que me désoler de la privation de ce service essentiel dans notre région. Aussi, je vous demande de faire le nécessaire pour que nous puissions recouvrer ce service qui nous redonnerait nos pleins droits comme citoyens et citoyennes…. Replier
Ayant connu le passage quotidien du train, ensuite réduit à trois trains par semaine, ensuite aux services réduits et enfin à sa disparition depuis plus de deux ans, je ne peux que me désoler de la privation de ce service essentiel dans notre région. Aussi, je vous demande de faire le nécessaire pour que nous puissions recouvrer ce service qui nous redonnerait nos pleins droits comme citoyens et citoyennes…. Replier
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