Page en français à: www.gaspetrain.org/revuepresse
Welcome to the Gaspé Railroad Press Review – English only articles
Over the past 10 years, the Gaspé Railway has been talked about a lot. You will find on this page references of articles that have been published on the Gaspésie Railway.
We want the people and our supporters of the passenger train service to be well informed. If you have a link or a reference to tell us, read the note at the bottom of this page. The yellow star to the left of the date indicates that this reference was published recently. We invite you to read this news first.
Take note that presently we are working to modernize and to improve ” The Press review “, page which you are currently reading.
New feature: You can now choose articles published for a specific year; click the year on the tab below, to select the articles published during that year you want to read.
For a complete review of French and English articles published on the Gaspé railroad, please click on the link here: https://www.gaspetrain.org/revue-de-presse